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Some of Our Leading Cases


We cannot list all of our cases - most of our clients prefer to maintain their privacy.  Those below are a selection of some of our significant recent cases, which established or affirmed important points of law.


National Westminster Bank v F [2013] EWHC 1199 (QB)


We successfully took this important leading case to appeal and established that a bank may be liable for loss suffered by its customer due to errors and omissions on the part of the bank.


Samarenko v Dawn Hill House Limited [2011] EWCA civ 1445


This leading case, which we took to the Court of Appeal, established that a failure to pay a deposit on time under a contract for the sale of land amounts to a repudiatory breach of contract entitling the seller to terminate the contract.


Dean & Dean (a Firm) v Grinina (also known as Galogre) [2008] EWHC 927 (QB)


In this reported leading case, the High Court set out important principles for setting aside a worldwide freezing order obtained without notice over the assets of a party to litigation.

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